Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blogging live from Treatment #2

I have dreamt of this. Wi-fi access from the Infusion Therapy Center in Winchester Medical Center. I was able to connect and all is well. I will make some live updates to this post throughout the morning.

11:10am ET: Whitey was 2400 today after being 1400 Friday, so we are all systems go. I have gotten the Adriamycin, Vinblastin and a few flushes. Showed all the nurses my blog and they liked it. They also advised that, going forward, they will go through treatments regardless of White counts and then react with Neupogen or Neulasta if I get sick and get fevers. I am fine with this. Wife went to get her laptop and some documents. This place is filling up, people are dying to get in here (pun).

12:30pm ET: HUNGER anyone?

1:30pm ET: All but done. Mouth feeling mad metallicy. Getting hungry. All is well though. Wife sitting next to me. Both of us have our laptops open and we look like a couple of mooks.

2:30pm ET All done and home. Mouth feels like it is on fire from the Dacarbazine, but all else is fine. 2 down, 10 to go. 4 more before I get a status PET scan and see how things look. Peace out for now.


Unknown said...

Jon, hello. Even despite your current health ailment, your upbeat demeanor and lively character still shine through.

Nice banner and great that you included links so that those interested in knowing more can read up on it.

May Allah be smiling upon you and gently ease you into optimal health yet again.

Rico (yep, still UUnet 4 Life).

Melis B said...

Will you have the nurses take a picture so we can see you and Jess in there with both of your laptops open (you bunch of blog happy computer nerds!! :J)

Do love the very happy you were able to get your treatment.

Much love~~your redonkulous neighbor and GIANT fan, Melis

Christie said...

Fan of your wife's blog - mosey'd over to see yours and just wanted to say that we're praying for ya and for a full recovery.

Love the banner!

Anonymous said...

Your story (medically) is so similar to mine. Type 2a Hodgkins lymphomia. They found an enormous tumor in my right lung-and gave me 2-3 month to live initially. Pet scans only revealed two lymph nodes affected my the lung wall. I went thru the same (6 months) round of chemo and 17 radiation treatments finished last month. I'm getting my strength back quickly! So far...all's well.
Hutchinson, Ks