Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kibosh part duex

Well maybe Part III or IV but you get the idea. They treated me like the laser disc above and trashed me. BTW, I don't know who that is in that picture so "jone" away on her. I went in today and had the lowest ANC for me ever. 190. Enough to be put on prophylactic antibiotics and sent on my way. Last one too. So they rescheduled till next Thursday all things permitting.

Trying to be positive of course, but I do always feel a bit inadequate from a biology perspective when this happens. It shows how little control over your system you have in the form of diet and other preventative measures when it comes to white blood count at least. I didn't feel great yesterday (which I normally do 2 weeks out from treatment), so I wasn't 100% surprised. Overall my levels have been lowest after feeling under the weather.

Well, lets wait a week, take my meds and give it another try.


Kelly Kane said...

It happens to the best of us! Plus there are lots of sickies going around, I'm fighting something right now as well! So hopefully you'll have lots more strength to fight your last chemo in a week!

I'll be crossing my toes for ya!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'm sorry you have to wait another week to finish up. Shall be worth the wait though.